Eddie Layne asked 10/27/2017 What are some books you’re recently read that kept you hooked to where you couldn’t put the book down?
Fortis Paradise asked 3/23/2017 Have you ever read a self-help book? if yes,what was it and did it really help you?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 3/20/2017 What was the last book you read without skipping through anything?
Roy Roy asked 6/11/2016 What's your favorite Sunday newspaper comic strip? Peanuts, Family Circus, Beetle Bailey, Dilbert, Archie, Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Zits, Nancy, Blondie, Pogo, Other?
Rooster Cogburn asked 4/17/2016 Do you ever read the comic strips of Beetle Bailey ? What about Dennis the Menace?
Rooster Cogburn asked 4/8/2016 Have you ever heard of the Sudd ? I read about it in a book recently and it doesn't look habitable. Ever seen or heard of it?