HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 10/2/2016 A riddle, I’m in school without learning, And control from the middle. What am I?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 10/2/2016 A brain teaser! What is special about 3,661 seconds past midnight on January 1, 2001?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 9/28/2016 A riddle. I’m made out of five letters, And I’m made out of seven letters; I have keys but I don’t have locks, I’m concerned with time, but not with clocks. What am I?
Ellie Elliot asked 9/13/2016 Suppose a consumer has income 500. The price of food is 10 and the price of clothing is 20. Plot the budget line with food on the horizontal axis?
Austin Jones asked 9/9/2016 Trivia:(answering correctly will get you five cookies of your choice)(googling it will give no cookies) Who was the third man to walk on the moon?
Anonymous asked 7/31/2016 what comes once in year twice in a month four times a week and six times a day?
Mettaton EX asked 7/26/2016 Let's make a mad lib! (Put the number one or two behind your answer.) 1. person. 1. object. 2. person 2. object. 1. action. 1. place
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/25/2016 A "murder" of crows. A "pride" of lions. So, fill in the blank - A "___?___" of Blurters?
Diva Bhatia asked 7/1/2016 I'm stuck! 4 pics 1 word... It's 7 letters and there is a picture of a microphone, a car manufacture, a farmer and a lady holding a basket of vegetables in a grocery store... The letters are: UOQGOEAPXCDR?
Marah Abu Nabhan asked 6/18/2016 Hi, a challenge requires me to get a 4 digit code from this: 31 95073635923025 31 95403135910627 31 96077635881071 31 95949735857603 thanks?
Anonymous asked 5/23/2016 I am collecting as many tongue twisters as possible... answer me tongue twisters! (P.S. make sure nobody has done the same one yet)?
JOHN WILKINSON asked 5/22/2016 A bowl is filled with 10.000 small spheres (balls) of same size and weight, except for 5 spheres, which are heavier than the rest, although they have the same size. Describe a simple and effective method for determining which is the heaviest?