Anonymous asked 3/22/2016 I am 14 years old, there Is a girl in my class that I have known for over a year, but we barely ever talk to each other. Would it be ok to ask her out and if so, in person or via text(im very shy, so it would be very hard to ask her in person)?!?!?!??
Anonymous asked 10/7/2015 My girlfriend is depressed and self harms. Should I tell someone or could it make her feel worse. She doesn't care weather she lives or dies and I don't know how to help her. Any additional advice is welcome as I don't know how to help her. Thanks?
Anonymous asked 10/7/2015 What are jobs for scared people? I'm scared of robbers and other guys, you know. I don't want to get hurt, like feel pain. It happens to those businesses that attract robbers: Banks, convenience stores and others. I hate the idea of working at a bank or convenience store because of that. Where should I work?
Benjamin Coleman asked 9/23/2015 Have you ever tapped someone on the shoulder in the supermarket, thinking they were someone else?
Anonymous asked 9/19/2015 If you got into an argument with a friend, and it seems like he's ignoring you now, what would you do?
Anonymous asked 9/6/2015 What do you do if you went to the lake with a guy you like, and he told you "you have a camel toe"? I can't get it off my mind.
Dakota Mackenzie asked 8/23/2015 Have you ever had to take the fall for something you didn't do? Did it make you mad? (I'm pretty mad..)
ZombieE Lee asked 8/21/2015 I've ran across somebody that doesn't believe that Neanderthal existed......and I'm just wondering how they could think that? Why would somebody have a problem with cavemen?
dragonfly forty-six asked 8/10/2015 What is some advice that someone gave to you that you wish you had listened to?
Roy Lovett asked 7/16/2015 I have a friend that is in an abusive relationship. She's beating herself up over this guy, it's not physical pain but emotional, which is just as bad. Why do people date abusive guys/girls?
Yo Kass asked 7/8/2015 What is one thing that you've yet to get revenge for? If there were no repercussions, what would your revenge involve?
Sarah Frocker asked 7/2/2015 Can a person die of of taking a cocktail of pills? Like, just random pills they had laying around, not like 50 of each. ((Note: I'm not trying to kill myself. I'm just curious))