Anonymous asked 8/10/2013 My period was always on time and always lasted 6-7 days. Last month it was only last 4 -5 days, I don't think it was normal. And this month I haven't gotten my period yet (day 30). What's going on?
Anonymous asked 6/19/2013 I am 9 days late on my period. The last time I had sex was over a week ago. I have no pregnancy symptoms though. What's going on?
Anonymous asked 6/5/2013 I few days ago I took two first response tests that came up faint positives on both, today I got what I think may be my period, was heavy and only lasted two days when usually it last 3 - 4 days.what does this mean?
Anonymous asked 5/31/2013 My last period date was 06.05.2013. I had sex without a condom 31.05.2013 and I don't want to get pregnant. I am so afraid now, what should I do?
Anonymous asked 5/19/2013 What causes a light brown discharge, a week before your period while you're on birth control?
Anonymous asked 5/18/2013 I got my period on April 13, then had unprotected sex. It is now May 18 and I still haven't gotten my period. Could I be pregnant?
Titus agore asked 2/15/2012 Is it easier for skinny woman, to sire children then it is for a woman of a slightly larger build?
Jaime Martens asked 1/30/2012 If my blood type is 'a rh (d) negative' and my husbands is 'o positive' will this affect our chances at becoming pregnant or affect the babys or my health during the pregnancy?
sarah-lou Hall asked 1/1/2012 I'm on the contraceptive pill to regulate my period but I want to get pregnant. How can I get pregnant and still take the pill?
zina allan asked 9/26/2011 I'm pregnant with my first baby with my boyfriend of only 4 n' a half months, I'm 14 years old, 15 in November my mum is seriously against the idea of us possibly keeping it..shuld i get an abortion or keep it (why)?
Will Elder asked 9/10/2011 I have blue eyes and my girlfriend says they turn green when I am around her. Is this possible?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/26/2011 The nationwide survey of 1,144 ob-gyns published Monday found a lower rate of abortion providers, 14%, than a 2008 survey did, which put the figure at 22%. Why?