Anonymous asked 1/21/2015 I had my last period on 28th on Dec. I had sex 2 days before I ovulated and the day I did ovulate. This was 9 days ago. My next period is due in 6 days. When would I be able to find out if I am pregnant?
Anonymous asked 1/15/2015 Why does clear stuff come out my nipples? I missed my period for 3 months. Could I be pregnant?
Rachel Anon asked 12/23/2014 I had unprotected sex on Sat. I'm on birth control, so my expected period date was Sun. But, I haven't started yet; however, I usually don't start until Tues. or Wed. Is it possible for me to be pregnant?
Anonymous asked 12/12/2014 Should I let my ex be in the birth room with me and has he got any rights when the baby is born to take it away from me?
Storm Gaskin asked 11/22/2014 I was 5 days late for my period and I had all the symtoms of being pregnant and I assumed I was 3 weeks along, but now I'm spotting and the blood is dark and all symptoms are gone. Is it possible I had a miscarriage?
jasmine jasmine asked 11/18/2014 I have been trying to get pregnant and my last period was on the 23 of last month and today I had plink bleeding. I was wondering if it cause I'm pregnant or my period. The bleeding is really light - it's a pink color and its not heavy at all - please help?
mona okemow asked 10/5/2014 I feel a lilttle pain in my lower stomach and have a bad taste in my mouth?
Anonymous asked 9/24/2014 My father is a twin, I also have two sets of cousins that are twins and my boyfriend's uncle is a twin. Is there a possibility of having twins?
tadu DSM asked 9/10/2014 My wife had a positive pregnancy result twice 10 days after her period was due. On the following day, she got her period, but when we checked again, the pregnancy test was still positive. We are now confused. Is she pregnant or shall we see a doctor?
Katelyn Passke asked 8/9/2014 If a guy came inside me, and my period is irregular what are the chances of being pregnant?
Anonymous asked 7/31/2014 i have gotten my period three times this month and have been experiencing several symptoms that I may be pregnant but i took a test and it shows straight up that im not pregnant. I have know clue what I could be experiencing. What should i do????
Anonymous asked 7/31/2014 What time does a lady become pregnant? After or before their period? How many days after or before their period?