Zeche Infinite Dont rely on fate asked 5/28/2016 What does it mean when somebody says, I'm right back where I began. :)?
Berthina Jamison asked 5/22/2016 I am looking for a sample welcome and occasion speech welcoming a new pastor?
Dance like a gypsy asked 5/19/2016 What's the color of your enemy's hair? I decided to ask the weirdest question possible.
Karen aka Bailey's Mom asked 5/19/2016 If you owned a Q&A site where members could post pics, would think it's ok for a member to post pics of little boys in dresses? Would you see this as harmful to your site, or be like...meh...it's just cross dressing?
Perry Nuttal asked 5/18/2016 Why is Lucifer still used as a title of Christ in the Easter Vigil in the Catholic Church’s Latin Mass?
Anonymous asked 5/18/2016 Could anyone summarise "Merleau-Ponty The Body in its Sexual Being " in a simple words and easy to understand, please?
Megan goodgirl asked 5/16/2016 Are you the kind of person that sees the glass half empty or half full?
Perry Nuttal asked 5/15/2016 Is convincing people that you are Gods chosen people a good way to control the world?