dana hassan asked 12/4/2016 who is the dalai lama i have to write an article in 30 min & i know nothing about him so i have few questions 1) the Western view of the Dalai Lama and how it contributed to his reputation?
Megan goodgirl asked 10/19/2016 What if you found a time machine in your yard? would you get in it and go back in time?
Roy Roy asked 10/18/2016 If you had to come up with ten words to describe your life story so far, what would they be?
Darik Majoren asked 10/18/2016 Given this interesting TED Talk, do we still find Love to be metaphysical or very physical localized in the brain? (See my post for the embedded TED Talk)http://www.npr.org/2014/04/25/301824760/what-happens-to-our-brain-when-we-re-in-love
Bikergirl Anonymous asked 10/17/2016 Can someone explain in (laymen's terms) the Islamic 'reward' of virgins in the afterlife?
Darik Majoren asked 10/17/2016 On Occasion I listen to the local Christian radio broadcast, and happened upon a sermon regarding tithing and giving God your money. While I was listening to the "guilt Trip" and the "Prove your a Christian" message in this, I still would not see why an all powerful God would need your money. Why would an ALL Powerful and All Knowing God need our money?
Darik Majoren asked 9/22/2016 So I wanted to open this up for discussion. Swedish scientist is actually editing (altering) human embryo DNA. What do you think about this? (Look for the live stream in my answer.)
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 9/19/2016 What useless bit of information are you carrying in that head of yours?
Roy Roy asked 9/17/2016 If you could invent something that currently does not exist, what would it be?
Virginia Lou asked 9/15/2016 We have discussed cursing recently...here are three curses, said to be from China. I would like to ask, do you see these as curses and if so how?1. May you live in interesting times.2. May you come to the attention of those in authority.3. May you find what you are looking for.*Source: PANACEA, by F. Paul Wilson (interesting read, btw)
Nina Nina asked 9/14/2016 What is something that you do that actually worsens your quality of life? (i.e., waiting until you run out of gas to refill)