RAWR Said the Dinosaur asked 7/16/2015 If you could see into your future and you saw when you could die, would you do everything to avoid it or just let it happen?
xo xo asked 7/10/2015 I'm not the most religious person but like truly none even knows if there is a god or various gods neither do we know that the devil is real or isn't real. Who even knows if there's a heaven or hell. What are your thoughts on this?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2015 Do you believe it is possible for two or more souls to be held in the same body?
Anonymous asked 7/7/2015 In a society should each person determine for himself what is good and bad or what is right or wrong? How is a standard to be determined for everyone since we all don't agree?
Anonymous asked 7/1/2015 Do YOU believe that there are gods out there as in great spirits or something unknown in the world? Or do you believe we just developed as a living thing from the big bang theory? If neither, what do YOU believe in why we are here?
Blissful Blue asked 6/30/2015 Due to all the crime and violence in the world, do you think there is any hope for the future?
Pedro Gonzalez asked 6/30/2015 Imagine after you die you can rewind to any part of your life and loop it over and over again forever. What part would you rewind to?
Megan Alves asked 6/30/2015 What is one belief or view that you have which people always seem to disagree with?
Chocolatey Goodness asked 6/27/2015 Is there a book you might recommend for changing the thought process of the mind? I'm looking for something along the lines of coming out of the poverty mindset.