Anonymous asked 1/6/2017 We had a neighbors dog get onto our property and he got to our 10 year old female. We are afraid she may be pregnant and don't want the's been 24 hours since. What are our options to abort if necessary?
Anonymous asked 11/20/2016 my 2 y/o schnoodle has been acting scared, afraid to go from one room to another and walks backwards?
Anonymous asked 11/11/2016 My dog is the best friend I could ask for but since I divorced my husband I am so busy working to afford rent by myself that it's hard to have time to be with him. what can I do (besides selling him)?
Jaimie JT asked 11/3/2016 Do you think we should ban cat haters from this site ? ( *ahem RAY DART*)? I don't particularly care for cats myself but you should know before answering Ray is my nemisis now and I have a new found love for cats .... Maybe :)
paige ernop asked 10/27/2016 What do you think about Pit Bulls? Good, bad, friendly, aggressive? Why? This is this topic for a podcast I am in the process of making. Please voice your opinions!
Didge Doo asked 10/24/2016 If you reincarnated as a dog or cat, what qualities would you hope to find in your owner?
Linilla Schmidt asked 10/23/2016 Dog-owners: do you give your dog raw or cooked bones to chew on, or not any real bones?
Anonymous asked 9/17/2016 Barkbox just sent me treats that say best by 7-11-16. Are these safe to give my dog or should i contact them about it?
Darik Majoren asked 9/12/2016 So, I am Three for Three now. My third dog (current) was sprayed by a skunk Saturday night. What are some funny "Skunk Spray" stories you might want to share?