Anonymous asked 11/12/2010 My 7 year old female pitbull has been throwing up off and on for 2 weeks took her to the vet antibiotics arent helping her stomach is swollen negative xrays of the stomach low wbc negative biopsy in the fluid that was drained barely eating drinking l?
Anonymous asked 11/4/2010 I am having to hand feed my 4 week old staffy x Rottweiler puppy have done since he was born. At the moment from a bottle he is having 60 to 90 ml of lactol milk every 3 to 4 hrs is this ok ? When will he b able to start eating softened puppy food?
Trina Perez asked 10/25/2010 My female pit bull got pregant on her 1st heat and lost them on her 2nd heat she had a false pregnancy now she on her 3rd i think she pregant again is there a chance she will lose this litter as well?
Anonymous asked 10/23/2010 Why is my dog having very distended stomach but is very thin? It's been 2mos. Since she gave birth to 4 puppies.. But after several weeks, she became thinner & eventually her stomach became very distended. What happened to her & what do i need to do?
rebecca johnson asked 10/19/2010 What's wrong with my dog the other day she had a fever and now she is losing lots of her hair.she had puppies 7 weeks ago?
Anonymous asked 10/19/2010 I cant afford a vet visit right now for my dog so could i use glovers mane or sulfur 8 to start healing the mange?
Anonymous asked 10/19/2010 Is it okay to wash a kitten with ivory soap? I know they clean themselves well, but hes been in the garage awhile, I'd just like to make him cleaner.
Kellie Donnelly asked 10/16/2010 Can finger monkeys be kept as pets? And if so do you know a genuine place in Ireland that i could get them? I have been looking for finger monkeys for years so i promise that they would come to a very good home!
Anonymous asked 10/13/2010 We have a 10 year old rottweiler/ black lab who has begun having foaming/excessive salivation and fatigue with any activity. What is wrong?
Kendra Magelky asked 10/12/2010 I just adopted a 8 month old male Newfoundland and Black Lab cross puppy. He is about 28 inches tall (from paw to shoulder) and 80 pounds. About how big will he be when he is full grown?