Dharmesh Pancholi asked 2/26/2007 How Can I Keep My German Shepherd Occupied On His Own? With Giving Him Bones? He Just Sits There When Im Not Around.
gloria wood asked 2/23/2007 What Would Cause A Dog's Mouth And Gums And Paws And Ears To Turn White When They Were Pink. Then The Dog Died After She Was Given A Steroid Shot To Boost Red Blood Cells. Could The Steriod Cause Her To Die Or Was She Already Ill Being All Pale?
Dharmesh Pancholi asked 2/13/2007 My German Shepherd's Coat Is Going Dull And Skin Is Flaking... What Can I Give Him To Sort This Out?
Helen Russell asked 2/11/2007 How Do I Stop My Dog Getting On The Furniture When I Go Out Of The Room? She Knows Its Wrong.