Doo Koo asked 6/10/2015 Cut off from civilization with your food having run out, would you eat your pet(s) in order to survive a little bit longer?
Caitlin caitlin younger asked 5/22/2015 I just bought a male and female parakeet. How long should I wait before expecting them to mate?
Anonymous asked 5/20/2015 I just bought a male and female gerbil. They get along but how long will it take for my female gerbil to get pregnant?
Aubrey Goans asked 5/19/2015 I have baby kittens at home that are about two-three days old!!! Am I able to pick them up or pet them???
Jennifer Welsh asked 5/13/2015 My dog is 59 days pregnant and her temperature has been 99.6 for the last 12 hours. Do you think she will be in labor tonight?
Anonymous asked 5/12/2015 My dog is 7 years old and just started acting nervous. Looking around at things in the house, noises bother him. He's never been like this before and as far as I know nothing different has happened to him?
Anonymous asked 5/11/2015 My hamster fell down the stairs in her ball. How do I make sure that she's OK?
Anonymous asked 5/5/2015 My dog came in limping late Sunday evening and would whine if you touched his leg. Called pet ER and was advised to give him Benadryl. He is now walking around when outside, but has not eaten or drank any water since late Sunday. Any ideas?
Anonymous asked 4/25/2015 My mini schnauzer ate a pork bone. She has thrown up 3 times now. She went to the bathroom and popped normally. Yet, when she throws up she takes out small pieces of bone?
Simple Gurl asked 4/20/2015 Can I put my 6 week old baby bunny in with his dad? The reason I'm asking is because I think his dad (Shadow) is lonely. I let them sniff each other thru the wire and he didn't do anything but sniff him, and then laid back down.