John Kaminski asked 10/5/2017 What type of dogs have a fluffy butt? Can you name the meduim to large dog breeds to me that have them
music lover asked 12/21/2016 Is today is animal day? Because most of the questions is asked about animals
Rooster Cogburn asked 11/27/2016 Do you think animal abusers should be punished like child abusers ? I knew my Hound had been abused before I got him but didn't realize how bad till I saw the images and talked with the Neurologist. Hang them?
Didge Doo asked 11/20/2016 Care to post a funny animal picture? (Extra points if it's one of your own. Super bonus if Ray Dart posts a nice cat picture.)
Water Nebula asked 11/12/2016 So yeah, if you didn't know already I got my new lovebird (pictures below). So, do you have pets? And if so, what are they?
Ray Dart asked 11/11/2016 A few days ago, I asked a question about eating rabbit. A species that is friendly, makes a good pet,and kills no other animals for fun. Most people were happy to kill and eat rabbits. Do you all still agree?
ZombieE Lee asked 9/21/2016 Is feeding chicken to a Leopard Gecko unhealthy? Is cooked or barbecued chicken unhealthy for a gecko?
PJ Stein asked 8/29/2016 Today, August 28th, is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. A day we people remember their pets who have passed on and are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. Anyone care to share a picture or story of their pets who are waiting?
Anonymous asked 8/12/2016 My baby lizard won't eat the dead ants I put in his cage. I cannot find/catch any crickets or flies for him to eat. I don't want him to starve. What do I feed him?