Anonymous asked 11/23/2017 How to sneak a budgie/small bird into middle school? I have a case that looks like a lunchbox and i can put food and water
Lateisha Hodgkinson asked 9/28/2017 how many eggs do u think my weiros are going to have............ when they have finished i will reveal the winner.. btw she has two eggs at the moment and still bit fat near vent?
Lateisha Hodgkinson asked 9/22/2017 is my male weiro chewing on the nest box in side because he's making it the way he wants it?
Lateisha Hodgkinson asked 9/20/2017 my male bird has been biting me lately as i have seen my male and female mating and i don't know if she's pregnant she looks a little fat and fluffy near back of legs plz help?lol
dj dj asked 6/10/2016 my mom is going to clip my 4 chickens wings so they cant fly out of the pen and get eat by dogs. Is this cruel?
Water Nebula asked 7/28/2015 I want pekin ducks, but I have school. How much attention do house ducks need?
Anonymous asked 8/24/2014 I have a grey cockatiel. Since we got it, it used to be very active and used to sing. I'm guessing it's a male, I'm not sure, but now it just wants to sleep. Why is that? Is the bird sick?
Anonymous asked 6/7/2014 Hi. I have a Pekin female duck and she has been out in the horse field with some male mallard ducks... Now she had a nest of eggs which she is sitting on... Will these eggs hatch?? She seems to think so? Just wondering?
Anonymous asked 5/6/2014 I was training my bird out of his cage, he bumped into the wall a couple of times. I didn't know how to handle him, when I put him back to his cage, he curled up at the corner and started closing his eyes! i'm really scared, what should i do?!
Arman Makaryan asked 10/27/2013 I have lovebird named Rio and I can't train him. He bites me and doesn't let me touch him. What should I do?
Katelyn Kelley asked 8/27/2011 So i have one male and one female duck. They are both back yard pets and the female has recently started laying one egg a day! Is it normal for them to only lay one egg at a time and does it mean they arent fertile?