Anonymous asked 8/8/2017 Is it possible to book street food trucks to cater for events like weddings?
Anonymous asked 3/18/2017 I ate too much today, but ate the average of some of my friends. I tried inducing vomit but i'm insensitive to videos and smells, and when u stick my finger or toothbrush down my thought it just closes up and i start to cry. What can i do?
dragonfly forty-six asked 3/24/2016 Would you be annoyed if the hostess of a potluck asked you to leave the meat out of a dish because of 2 vegetarians? There will be a total of 18 attending.
Anonymous asked 9/18/2013 Don't get why people don't eat the crusts on pizzas? It's the best part. Do you eat the crust?