Jayne Ashmore asked 12/20/2010 How old should a girl be before she wears a micro bikini, as my 9 year old is asking for one for our holiday in Spain next year?
natalee Daniel asked 12/13/2010 I just had a baby and i will be going back to my high school, but i have had good friends tell me what other friends have said about me. Now i don't want to go back ... What should i think or do?
mercy atabong asked 12/9/2010 A 7 week baby girl is suffering from rash on her hands and feet, fever, cough and high WBC count. What kind of infection does she have?
Dusty Smith asked 12/3/2010 Kayla is curious about objects and activities, like climbing walls, drinking at a fountain, and playing at the park. However, Kayla's mother hovers over her, clearly worried about her safety and restricting her exploration and play?
John asked 11/30/2010 Should parents/people that smoke while in a car with kids/children have their children taken away from them for forcing their kids to breath second hand smoke?
Omar Vera asked 11/28/2010 This is the term for when children view the world from only their perspective?
cleo ellott asked 11/28/2010 How do you get revenge on someone you HATE CALLED YOUR STEPMOTHER I WANT TO KILL HER she alway blames everything on ME
Anonymous asked 11/21/2010 __________ parents are firm, setting limits for their children. As the children get older, these parents try to reason and explain things to them?
Anonymous asked 11/16/2010 My Mother has Been Petticoat Punishing Me for a Long Time. Does she have the right to do this to me?
Anonymous asked 10/27/2010 Express the feelings about your mother or father in a short essay of 200 words?
Anonymous asked 10/9/2010 Micah observes another child throwing a temper tantrum in front of the candy aisle at the supermarket, and now he throws a temper tantrum whenever he passes by the candy. Micah's behavior supports the _____________ theory?