Anonymous asked 1/23/2015 Comparative advantage. The world's best online gamer is a surgeon who enjoys the challenges of online gaming. Should he play his own way up to higher levels or should he pay someone else to play the early rounds for him? (hiring a gamer costs $250/mth )
Jane Camson asked 3/16/2014 Hi would anyone like to give me any feedback on my new game review website I am just starting out and i would like to know your thoughts on how to improve!
Tina Ho asked 1/18/2014 How can i get free Zcards without giving away my password, no hacking and no downloading?
Orange Ninja asked 11/1/2013 I'm a female teenager who plays video games all day, I don't really do much.. does anyone know any good hobbies I can do inside?
Anonymous asked 9/2/2013 I can't remember my Poptropica username or password. I would make a new account, but I have completed so many islands, and I have a membership I paid for. Is there any way to retrieve my login??