Rooster Cogburn asked 9/16/2015 What's the weather going to be like where you live today? It's still dark here, but I can see stars and it's cool. How is it wherever you may live?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 9/15/2015 Is it going to be a crappy winter this year? We're already having an early fall, the leaves are already turning color and dying.
Rooster Cogburn asked 8/26/2015 Do any of you people live where it snows a lot and you have to live in it? Isn't it kind of a pain to deal with or do you like it?
John Doe asked 8/20/2015 Does anyone know the difference between a tornado and a "firenado" besides the fire element?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 7/24/2015 Weather jokes ? : Its so hot that ___________, fill in the blank.
John Doe asked 7/19/2015 For those who have had rain the majority of the Summer.....if you get a couple of dry sunny days in a row, what do you have planned to do outside?
Rooster Cogburn asked 7/19/2015 Does anyone think that this " El Nino " will come and give the West Coast the rain and snow it really needs? Or will it be another dry Winter?