Anonymous asked 11/22/2015 For a while, life was awesome. Now, I'm kind of depressed. Like, I've realized things I've never really thought about before. And I can't talk to my parents about it. Help?
Zero Prime asked 11/3/2015 Life has been horrible lately. I'm scared to be happy because I know something bad will happen. Any advice?
Weird InvisibleGirl asked 10/29/2015 How can I find if I have depression without my family knowing? I have taken tests but I can't consult a doctor. I cry a lot and have a lot of mood swings. I experienced more depression symptoms as well. I am a teenager and I have no idea what to do.
Nice Girl asked 10/28/2015 Nothing is goin for me. I'm sad, life's shattered so many tensions , I'm stressed and I don't know how to get over it - no free time so much work, I'm dying. What do I do?
Violet Rayne asked 10/17/2015 I think I'm going insane. I always think people are out to get me. I feel like I have two sides to me one of which wants to hurt people and the other who is sweet and loves everyone. I am also very depressed and have anxiety. What is wrong with me?
Anonymous asked 10/9/2015 I have this thing when I am bored, I space out kind of and I block out all sound and movement and I just see white and I could imagine anything. This used to happen to me a lot, but I try to stop. Help?
Anonymous asked 10/6/2015 Help! I have a personal issues about rude friends and other junk like that.. :(?
Anonymous asked 10/2/2015 I'm 18 and I have autism and it makes my life a living hell as I have no job, no friends, no hobbies and nothing to live for. I feel like my life gets worse while everyone else's gets better. What can I do?
Anonymous asked 10/1/2015 I'm surrounded by amazing friends who love + care about me but whenever I'm not with them I feel depressed. A lot's going on in my life right now and its difficult to remain positive when so much is putting me down?
Anonymous asked 10/1/2015 My social anxiety is getting worse. It's getting to the point where I am worrying about things months ahead. I'm starting GCSE's and I'm worrying that I'm never gonna be brave enough to get a job! What do I do?