Anonymous asked 12/22/2014 Can a guy fall in love with you after dating you to get revenge on his friend?
Anonymous asked 12/14/2014 A guy was dating a very pretty girl and then they just broke up. Now supposedly he has a crush on me yet I don't feel special or pretty. She's athletic, fast, liked by many while I'm the opposite. Why do you think he would do that?
Anonymous asked 12/11/2014 If a man in public holds your hand when dancing with a group and keeps squeezing it, what does it mean?
Meghan Labrecque asked 12/9/2014 What do you do when staying is killing you, but losing them will kill you also?
Daniel Crow asked 11/27/2014 Hi my name is Daniel. I am 15 and i would like to ask another guy out. The only problem is he's only 13 what can I do? We have met before as I am a lighting technician is the school and he was an actor in one of the shows. Can any one help me please??? :/ And what do I say to him?
alexis read asked 11/22/2014 I like a boy in my class, but today my best friend asked him out and I don't know how to tell her I like him without hurting her feelings. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 11/11/2014 I love someone alot and want to spend my whole life with him but I dont know whether he likes me or not?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2014 I want to text my boyfriend some deep stuff to show him I really love him, what can I send him?
lover boy asked 11/4/2014 How do I cope with a breakup if the girl keeps talking to me everyday looking as upset and out of place as I do? We both feel on the verge of tears when we see each other.
Anonymous asked 11/2/2014 I was in love with him , but he didn't care at all and that broke my heart . What should I do? Forget him or try again?
John Johnson asked 10/25/2014 Crush problems, what to do? I was talking to my crush on Facebook and after a while she asked who I liked, I couldn't tell her so suddenly and even less over Facebook, what should I do? I think she knows, she said stuff like "She may like you"
kunal gola asked 10/17/2014 I gave a friendship offer to a girl yesterday. She shouted at me & said just shut up, go away. What should I do now?
Anonymous asked 10/17/2014 So the guy I like just gave me a deal. He said, "If you tell me who you like, then I'll tell you who I like." I don't know if I should tell him. Should I tell him?
Yasmin Whitby asked 10/5/2014 What does it mean when a guy asks you to call him first and a week later he still hasn't called you...? Should I wait or just call him?