Jakie Jakieloa asked 1/8/2016 So I am currently 24 years old I can't get over I cannot Stop seeing a man I fell in love with about a year ago we are currently having sex as well and have had sex for about a year the sad part is I just found out he's married and I think I love him?
Anonymous asked 12/28/2015 I have a crush on a guy who is 4 years older than me, doesn't know any of my friends and I see him once a week for an hour. All his past girlfriends are like model faces/bodies and I cant compare. I think I may be in love. Help?
Anonymous asked 12/15/2015 How do I tell my crush I like him? What If he says no. I'm stuck and he is always with his friends only sometimes he is alone. Help please!!!!
isabelle isabelle asked 12/14/2015 I like a boy named Reuben. I talked to him once but now I don't know what to say to him. Please help me someone?
Didge Doo asked 12/10/2015 What is the greatest sacrifice you've ever made for love? I took Mrs Didge to see Mamma Mia and sat through it because I thought she was enjoying it. After the show she admitted that she only sat through it because she thought I was enjoying it. We suffered equally. What about you?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2015 I called a guy, and then I started crying. I feel so vulnerable and embarrassed. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 11/27/2015 How do I get over my ex? Every time I try to stop talking to him I feel depressed but he is moving on without me. Help :(
Anonymous asked 11/27/2015 Me and my friend were wrestling and she pinned me down, her face really close to mine and we stayed like that for a while looking into each others eyes until she got off me. Does that mean she likes me a bit?
Kenneth Roberts asked 11/16/2015 Is it wrong that I let my "sister" (a really close female friend) sit on my lap during a party with my girlfriend sitting right next to us? And Is my gf 's reaction wrong? (See comments for details)
Anonymous asked 11/6/2015 I really need help, I like this guy but I don't know how to tell him without our friendship breaking. How can I tell him I like him?
Anonymous asked 11/1/2015 1. What is Love Stabilizer? 2. Why do majority of couples fight from time to time? Nobody wants to talk about it and people suffer silently behind closed doors. What do you think?
Thrice Gotcha asked 10/29/2015 What can it mean if a girl you met recently tells you that she's stressed and has problems, but when asked what they are, she doesn't respond or take the time to tell you what's going on?
Anonymous asked 10/25/2015 Which one would you choose: (1) guy who make your heart beats faster but has no time for you even just 5 minutes a day, or (2) guy who always there for you whenever you need him, but he can't make your heart beat faster?