Megan goodgirl asked 5/20/2015 Would I be considered a lesbian if I saw a really pretty girl and couldn't help but to keep looking at her, since she is really pretty?
Anonymous asked 3/16/2014 I'm a female, and was clubbing with female mates, when 1 of them (while flirting with a guy at the bar) turned to smile at me & brushed her index finger under my chin. I'm straight & as far as I know so is she, was she just being affectionate or did it mean something more?
Sara Smith asked 2/10/2014 Can someone help: I'm a 16 year old girl who has imagined being with another girl. What should I do?
Dan Banks asked 4/30/2013 Why are there only a handful of out homosexual male sports stars, even though there have been plenty of lesbian athletes in modern times?
rebecca nunzabusiness asked 2/3/2010 What Do You Do If False Rumors Were Being Spread That You Are A Lesbian?
Anonymous asked 12/15/2009 How Do Lesbians Flirt Without Physical Contact? Staring, Winking, Etc How Do You Know?