Anonymous asked 6/22/2015 I got my first speeding ticket ever in GA state The speed limit was 70 , I was going 90 what are my choices? How can I dismiss the ticket? I don't want any records on my drivers license ... Is it a good idea to use my NOLO !? or do I get a lawyer?
Darling Divaa asked 6/18/2015 In light of the recent tragedy with nine people being shot and killed in a Charleston South Carolina church do we need even tougher gun laws?
Anonymous asked 4/26/2015 In Missouri is it legal for a nursing home facility to fire an employee if they have cigarette smoke on their person? If yes please explain. If no and they say that they are fired what can/should the employee do?
kathy elliott asked 4/17/2015 If you only get to talk to your public defender for only 2 seconds, how can they defend you? If you don't have enough time to tell them what happened or to get evidence to help?
Anonymous asked 4/12/2015 My license is suspended & expired in iL but I live in Ga now. Since Ga isn't part of the NDR, can I get a valid state Ga license? And if so, what would be my steps?
Anonymous asked 3/24/2015 Can I suspend my social security monies at 67 and go back to work, then collect at the age of 69 or 70?
Christine Shield asked 1/20/2015 Can a landlord charge me, via my pet deposit, to change the locks when the key has been lost?
John Doe asked 1/8/2015 Will you be arrested or fined if you drive someone to the hospital in New Jersey? Assuming that you are running red lights and things..
Rob Monk asked 11/20/2014 My drivers license is suspended indefintely upon review in Michigan. Can I get a drivers license in Las Vegas?
Anonymous asked 11/16/2014 How do I write a letter to a judge explaining the guilt of my client but requesting lieniency?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2014 Can I apologize to a former mentor who asked me not to contact her? Or is it harassment to contact someone who asked you not to?