Anonymous asked 3/28/2014 Have you ever been in a women's prison? Were you handcuffed and shackled there?
Holly D'Anna asked 3/6/2014 Do you think photos of Justin Bieber in jail should have been released to the public? Or is that an invasion of his privacy and too much?
Anonymous asked 3/5/2014 Is it legal to post a picture of someone in the media without their consent?
Anonymous asked 2/20/2014 Does anything involved with the police (e.g. getting arrested) stay on someones record? (e.g. the same as other things like domestic abuse/assault)
Anonymous asked 2/19/2014 I am an ex felon. I am off parole and I want to go to Texas to visit a friend in state prison is this possible?
Blurt It asked 1/20/2014 What is a scam you've come across that you think everyone should be warned about?