PJ Stein asked 9/19/2015 Arrrrgh! Tomorrow (Sept.19th, so for some of your it already is.) is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Who will be participatin' in t' fun?"
Megan Alves asked 8/31/2015 Does anyone else like get the urge to laugh out loud at inappropriate times? Like in class when it's silent or whatever?
John Doe asked 8/28/2015 For all the pranksters out there....what was the funniest prank you've ever pulled?
Dakota Mackenzie asked 7/31/2015 Random, have you ever ran out of cups so you drank out of a bowl? (I just did that..) xD... EDIT: I'm not home! Please stop implying that I'm lazy!!!!
Matt Rust asked 7/8/2014 I have been told this joke and I can figure out why it's funny, help! 'A man goes into a bakers and says can I have a large loaf please, the baker says brown bread or white and the man says it doesn't matter I've left my bike outside?
Anonymous asked 3/22/2014 What is the creepiest thing you can text someone who doesn't have your number as a joke?