HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 7/3/2015 I have heard that some people are still using the Ask community & are logged in & communicating with other users. Is this Myth or Fact?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 7/2/2015 Has anyone tried posing a question on the new Ask ? If so, how did you feel about the results ??
Poppy Davies asked 7/1/2015 What other social networks do you all use? Which one do you use the most?
Poppy Davies asked 7/1/2015 Can you try and predict the next big trend - what is something interesting you'd like to see catch on?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2015 How do I completely clear my Safari history on iPad? If I search something, there are suggestions based on previous questions and it doesn't delete iCloud? I share iCloud with my dad, I don't want him to know everything I've been searching!
Woof Woofy asked 6/24/2015 Im really missing Sodahead and the community I once belonged too. @People from, How do you feel that your site is also going down the tubes?
Ray Dart asked 6/20/2015 If people resort to pointless insults on Q&A websites, does it mean they lack social graces, they have lost an argument, or merely that they really have nothing much else to contribute?
Rachel Reader asked 6/19/2015 What do you think of modern online lingo like bruh, bro, or things like that?
Rachel Reader asked 6/18/2015 Can I please get some recommendations for fun picture websites besides instagram and pinterest? Those are great but I want to see what else there is