Anonymous asked 8/26/2015 I bleach my bathroom through rugs and they turned pink. There was nothing else in the washing machine it would turn them. What can I do to get them white again?
dragonfly forty-six asked 8/24/2015 What is something that needs to be thrown out, yet you just can't part with it?
Anonymous asked 7/14/2015 Which one of these picture versions would look best framed on a wall? Number 1, 2, 3 or 4?
tbrocato143 . asked 7/11/2015 I have noticed these VERY TINY bugs smaller then any ants I've ever seen! They seem to be only around my dog's food and water bowls! My best description is little black specs of pepper moving around! Any answers or suggestions?
Cyber Tooth Tiger asked 5/19/2015 When you buy new clothes do you wash them first before wearing them or do you just wear them first time without washing them?
Tony Elmore asked 4/5/2015 I wish to cover my wall with 1- foot square tiles. The wall tiles measures 8 - feet by 10 feet. How many tiles will I need to cover the wall?
Sharon Current asked 4/4/2015 How can I remove a partial plastic bag that melted onto the glass stove cooktop?