Matt Rust asked 7/8/2014 I have been told this joke and I can figure out why it's funny, help! 'A man goes into a bakers and says can I have a large loaf please, the baker says brown bread or white and the man says it doesn't matter I've left my bike outside?
Anonymous asked 7/7/2014 I have been told this joke and I can't figure out the answer, help! 'A man goes into a bakers and says can I have a large loaf please, the baker says brown bread or white and the man says it doesn't matter I've left my bike outside?
Anonymous asked 3/22/2014 What is the creepiest thing you can text someone who doesn't have your number as a joke?
Anonymous asked 10/23/2013 I am a product. One of my factors is 7. The sum of my factors equals 11. What number am I?
Anonymous asked 7/24/2013 I'm looking for an 11 letter word . Letters 1, 2, 3, 4 spell the name of a bank. 5, 6, 7 spell the model of a car. 8, 9, 10. and 11 are a mode of transport. Anyone know what it is?
Anonymous asked 7/12/2013 Can you solve this riddle: If you take 8 and 9 from N. Foster’s delight and choose the correct letter of eight you will follow it with the end of time and space and find yourself among this place. Who am I and what is my meaning?
Anonymous asked 6/30/2013 I happen three times in a minute, two times in an hour, one time in a day. What am I?
Dan Banks asked 4/3/2013 If you could have dinner with one person throughout history who would it be and why?