Anonymous asked 9/16/2014 How do I tell my parents that as a girl, I want to play baseball? I have always told them I hate it and now I'm too embarrassed to tell the truth, please help!
Anonymous asked 8/24/2014 Is there a do's and don'ts for high school? I'm a freshman and thought to ask you guys!
Anonymous asked 10/10/2013 Why is everyone at my school so superficial? Everyone just tries to act cool and care about the wrong things (taking drugs, smoking, sex, what they are wearing) when the whole point of school is education. And people that care about studying get teased and made fun of or even beat up?
Anonymous asked 8/20/2013 What are the most important things to know about when starting senior year?
Maritza Ruiz asked 7/5/2012 What are some of the best high schools in los angeles if you want to pursue a career in phsycology?
Maxine Chan asked 11/4/2011 How have you changed since high school? Did you change or are you the same person?
Kiara Harris asked 5/3/2011 Why are people in high school so judgemental? I mean you get teased for being too fat, too thin, too smart, too dumb, for having their hair done wrong or for having too much make up etc? Why? I like being individual!
Anonymous asked 11/23/2010 Is Nation High School fake or real? This is because Iam so scared. I have registered with them and I pass their test for the High School Diploma. Now , I just heard people saying its fake. Please tell me
terrie provencher asked 11/6/2010 In my research, I want to compare levels of test anxiety among high school students in grades 10 and 12. My hypothesis is that seniors will have higher levels of test anxiety than sophomores?
Anonymous asked 6/17/2010 What's A Good Experimental Research Topic That Can Be Made By A High School Student?