Naval Kumar Verma asked 2/5/2018 is there any best Homeopathic Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Anonymous asked 1/26/2018 I have an umbilical hernia and it seems like my penis retracts in towards my body as the hernia gets bigger. My hard on is still big,but it seems like when it’s soft it retracts more as the hernia gets bigger. Does this have an effect on the penis?
Anonymous asked 1/25/2018 I had a headache, so I took a couple of ibuprofen, but now I feel cold. Why is this?
Amit Badana asked 1/16/2018 What is best fitness equipment to buy while buying equipment for my personal use?
Anonymous asked 1/13/2018 I'm morbidly obese and desperately need some me to help me lose weight, i'm over 30 stone and depressed. i need help fast, i tried slimming world, weight watchers and all that jazz... PLEASE HELP ME?
Anonymous asked 1/12/2018 A few days ago, I smashed my finger in an iron door! My finger was bruising,numb,and it was swollen.My aunt got me some ice and a splint but she wont take me to get it x-rayed. It hurts so bad and it keeps throbbing. Is it broken?
Anonymous asked 1/11/2018 why is my underwear always brown after 5-6 days of wearing it. also, why does it always smell bad with it the smell spreads. it smells like wet dog how to you stop I'm willing to do almost anything. (besides eating a diet because I hate diets)?
Anonymous asked 1/8/2018 Which is the Best Hospital for lasik eye surgery In Mumbai. I am looking for Lasik eye surgery and can't find best hospital. Anyone suggest me where can i go or where can i check the list of best hospitals?
Gachapon Henesys asked 1/8/2018 Which of the following measures is consireded the best realiable indicator of a society's Health A.Infant morality rate expectany C.Overall Fertility rate D. Live Birth rate?
Jessica Wiley asked 1/7/2018 Im 12yearsold and Im overweight Im lookin to fast for 28days but since Im roughly250lbs my goal weight isunder150lbs Im going to have to fast more then once After fastin how long should I wait before I fast again,what should eat after I fast?