Kirk Kirkland asked 10/30/2014 What is the length of time a local union should retain hard copies of grievance files/ records?
Melinda Moore asked 5/27/2013 Should the UK now allow the security services to access everything that we do online, in the light of recent terror plots, or are our civil liberties more important than the perceived benefits of more surveillance?
John asked 10/2/2011 Do you decide who you vote for by their body weight? How many heavy politicians have their been to serve as your president,governor, you know.
Maxine Chan asked 9/4/2011 Money does not buy happiness yet the government wants us to go to college to get a degree and to get a better job for more money... Isn't this hyprocritical?
Amit Shastri asked 8/18/2011 Does the government's climb down over Anna Hazare mean that they no longer have the trust of the people?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/15/2011 Tea Party members aren't angry, but indignant. So why are they indignant about all the spending and the movement to bigger and bigger government hurting the job creators, the small businesses? Why does the government hate the job creators?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/15/2011 Are the London rioters the children of dependency, the progeny of Big Government; have they been marinated in "stimulus" their entire lives, AND, is there literally nothing you can't get Her Majesty's Government to pay for?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/9/2011 Are you not smart enough to take care of yourself and depend on the government benevolence, will they, also, tell you your rights in regards to light bulb use, seat belts, sugar use, etc.? What do you think?
amareya oroy asked 1/14/2011 Identify two areas of private life in which you think government should not interfere.explain why you think government should not include in these areas?
Gayle Early asked 11/13/2010 The Arizona legislature passes a law allowing Mexican immigrants to enter the United States freely and establish residency, directly contravening federal law. After the governor signs the law, what would likely happen next?