Unique Hold asked 2/11/2017 Do you wait for the girl to text you or do you text them first even though you're friends?
Anonymous asked 1/31/2017 My friend told me she doesn't like anyone. But I have noticed that she keeps staring at this one guy, Every time she passes by him, she'll stare at him. And when that guy talks to me, she looks jealous. Does that mean she likes him? ( no rude answers)
Anonymous asked 1/24/2017 Is it a common trick to give a really drunk person water, and tell them that it is vodka instead? One time, when I was really drunk, someone did this to me.
Jada Shakira Webster asked 1/22/2017 How do I sneeze like Fluttershy? I need to know because everytime I sneeze at school, this girl in my class stares at me for a REALLY long time?
Anonymous asked 1/8/2017 My boy best friend is moving to Australia and I want to right him a paragraph to show him how much he means to me but don't have a clue what to say any ideas please?
Lisa Doe asked 1/6/2017 Hi, I'm Japanese and I go to international school from September. But I can't speak English well. So I don't have friends. I want to make lots of friends. So please give me some advices, thank you
Unique Hold asked 1/4/2017 I just started talking with a friend I haven't seen in a few months and had set a date to see her and she responded that is great. To me it kind of sounds like she's not really interested on seeing me. Am I paranoid?
Evan Zamora asked 12/29/2016 I found out that my friend is cousin, with my cousin, am i and my friend related?
Unique Hold asked 12/21/2016 A friend I haven t seen in a few months texted me and said I really hope to see you soon. Does that mean she misses me? I do miss her. So what should I do? How do I respond to her? I ended off saying "same" and that ended the conversation.
Anonymous asked 12/8/2016 My current friend has been acting weird and not wanting to hang around as much. And I've realised most of my friends stop being friends with me after a year. Is there something wrong with me, why do my friends keep leaving me?
Otis Campbell asked 12/7/2016 We should all send christmas cards to each other i think it would be cool what do u think? Here is my mailing address p.o.box 9052 bacliff tx 77518
Anonymous asked 12/6/2016 I feel out with a girl I was friends with a few monts ago. We're working on a project and she finds something I do to argue with me about. I've been ignoring it.What should I do?
Anonymous asked 12/5/2016 Who would you rather be friends with and why? The types of people will be in the answers box.
Anonymous asked 12/3/2016 Straight guy. Gay freind. Texts me 5 times a day. Really anoying called me attractive. Im his only "freind" and want to get away from realtionship. What do i do?
Johnny Bravo asked 11/30/2016 Thanks for answering my questions. Another one :) Why don't i come out as good looking in photos then I do looking in the mirror?
zack leon asked 11/29/2016 Is there some medecations that lets talk to friends or girlfriend because i cant talk to them i absolutly no topics and nothing to talk about. If started talking to them im completly speechless?