Levy Flames asked 4/11/2016 any tips on how to get by a school day quicker? Cause I'm excited for Friday😂 (Most people probably are)
Megan goodgirl asked 4/5/2016 Are you a bit superstitious ? like if you saw a penny on tails would you pick it up? or do you not like stepping on cracks? or freak out if you break a mirror?
Anonymous asked 4/3/2016 If you're a fan of Metallica, David Bowey, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Green Day, and Grateful Dead please answer this question?
Anthony Marx asked 4/3/2016 Hi everyone. I'm Anthony and this is my first post. I have gave up on YA, and checked out other Q & A but they all seem to be just as bad, until I discovered Blurtit!!! So am I in for a good time? Thanks guys.
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 3/27/2016 Do you have that one friend that takes everything way too seriously?