K. B. Baldwin asked 10/19/2015 Given the fact that almost of our clothing and bedding and such is colorfast, half plastic, and has been washed a hundred times already, why do we still sort whites and colors for washing?
Zeke Boyat asked 10/10/2015 I was wondering if when I put on a tie if it's better looking to have it all done up nice tight or have it a little loose. I kind of like it more tighter because I feel more comfortable and I think it looks good. Just wanted some of your opinions?
Abby Sods asked 9/27/2015 What should I do with a ripped shirt? I got a brand new knit shirt and I loved it! Then the next day it caught on something so now there's a big hole right in the center. Any ways I can salvage the shirt?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 9/22/2015 Are memory foam sneakers comfortable? Long lasting ? More prone to be smelly after a work-out?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 9/11/2015 Other than heels, what footwear will go well with leggings?
Zexish The Jake asked 8/26/2015 Should I get the We Bare Bears Like Like Like Hoodie, or The North Face Boys' Glacier full zip hoodie?