Megan goodgirl asked 12/13/2014 What if you were swimming one day and a unicorn landed in your pool. Would you be scared?
Madison iwanttobeawerewolfplzhelp asked 3/13/2014 I want to become a werewolf (only real werewolves need answer please). How do I become one?
Anonymous asked 6/26/2013 My teeth have got sharper over the past 2 weeks and my eyes were dark blue but now they are grey with indigo on the outside and green on the inside around my pupil. Am I turning into a werewolf?
Ashley Holden asked 12/9/2009 Is It True That Unicorns Existed Before Noah's Ark But He Could Only Find One So The Unicorns Went Extinct?
blake vayda asked 8/4/2009 Do Werewolves And Vampires Really Exist? I Want The Real Truth No Posers Or Lies.