DDX Project asked 12/23/2015 Do you have someone in your family who always wear shorts, socks, and sandals to every event despite how formal it is? I'm beginning to suspect that every person has to have at least one of these relatives in their family.
Taylor Brookes asked 12/11/2015 What affect does being an only child or having siblings have on a person?
Jann Nikka asked 12/8/2015 Are you and your family familiar with these phases? "Please and Thank You"? "Good Morning"? and "I Love You"? Are they part of your daily conversation and your life?
Anonymous asked 11/18/2015 My cousin is the same age and we go to the same school. She acts nice and posh in front of everyone but is a b*tch to me. She made sure she integrated herself in with all MY friends and talks about me behind my back?
Basketball Lover asked 11/14/2015 Who do you love more: mom or dad? (Pick one.) I'm asking 'cuz a poll showed that 3 out of 4 kids love their mom more. Just wanted to see if that is specific to kids and varies as you grow older.
Anonymous asked 11/10/2015 What to do when you called your mom a b*tch "not really saying it to her but writing it in a letter" and she found out? How do you restore the bond when it's already broken? How do you forgive yourself?
Jann Nikka asked 11/7/2015 I don't gossip much, but I need to spread this truth. 🎊Today is Skip Skip's birthday ! Please bring gifts, cake, cookies and ice cream 😄
Anonymous asked 10/26/2015 My husband's parents looked after our baby when she was sick because we had to go to work. They took time out and looked after her overnight. Should I get them a thank you gift or is this just something grandparents do?
Anonymous asked 10/11/2015 My "father" is type O. My sister is A+ and I'm AB. Can an AB child have an O father? My parents are deceased. What test(s) are available to determine if we are full siblings?
Anonymous asked 8/26/2015 How can I have a relationship with a sibling who is always negative and moody and who rarely comes home?
Roy Lovett asked 8/26/2015 Is it weird for a dad to leave his teenage daughter alone with her older boyfriend!!??? Am I the only one in my family who is sane!? My uncle did this. Does he trust her or does he not care?
Anonymous asked 8/24/2015 Last summer we organized a family reunion. I want to store those picture for future. Where can i store those pictures?
Lou Pitts asked 8/20/2015 I have a little hectic situation with my best friend and her ex-husband, who happens to be my bro-in-law. My question is a little over 250 characters. Is anyone interested in hearing a little more? I'd love your opinion.