Anonymous asked 2/24/2015 Where is my exam centre for my first year board exam,my hall ticket number is 1505138309?
Anonymous asked 1/19/2015 I'll pass my bac exam in july and i didn't start studying yet, I really don't know what's on the program and I don't go to school, but really want to make my dream come true and be one of the first ranked. Am I late? Can I study everything all alone?
Anonymous asked 1/11/2015 I'm unprepared for an exam tomorrow. Because of some reasons (nothing I could use as an excuse) I didn't study much. If I don't take the exam tomorrow, I'll have a 2nd chance in August. So should I just make sure I pass it in august instead?
Anonymous asked 10/16/2014 Is it possible for me to get my high school diploma and take college courses at the same time? I am 50 years old.
Anonymous asked 7/29/2014 The formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is C=5/9(F-32). Convert 18 C to Fahrenheit. Round to the nearest degree?
Fletcher Hart asked 7/14/2014 How can I find out why a nurse lost her nursing license in the state of Florida?