Betty Boo asked 6/12/2015 If you buy a newspaper from the person standing on the street corner ... Do you give them more than the paper costs ? (tip)?
Maja Steven asked 6/12/2015 In a Star Trek the Next Generation episode, someone says that someone is a whiner. I know it's not real but even so. No rude answers please?
Not Online Anymore asked 6/11/2015 In your opinion, what are the top 5 worst professional musicians and/or groups since the year 2000, in any genre?
Doo Koo asked 6/10/2015 Which prop, article of clothing, general memorabilia, etc. from your favorite movie would you like to own?
Jaymi Hudson asked 6/10/2015 Pulp Fiction had a large talented cast. Whose performance did you enjoy the most?
Megan goodgirl asked 6/9/2015 Does anyone remember Saved by the Bell the aftermath episode? Wasn't Kelly mean for slapping Zack across his face? Didn't anyone feel bad for Zack?
Doo Koo asked 6/9/2015 Have you ever left the house either in your slippers OR forgetting to comb/brush your hair?