Chewed Bubblegum asked 7/11/2015 I'm seeing Kelly Clarkson tomorrow and it's supposed to be 95 in an OUTDOOR venue...It's at 7:30 at night, so should I be fine if I wear a short sleeve shirt with shorts? Or will that be too hot?
PJ Stein asked 7/11/2015 I was out with friends earlier and we got on the subject of bad 70s music. What do you think was the worst song of the 70s? (I say Feelings by Morris Albert.)
Chewed Bubblegum asked 7/10/2015 I'm seeing Kelly Clarkson this Sunday and I made a sign saying "Dance With Me" (one of her songs) but it's pretty boring, do you have any other ideas to put on it to make it cool but not too confusing?
Megan goodgirl asked 7/9/2015 Why do some people think Kim Kardashain is attractive? she's not really pretty well to me that is.