lady horse asked 12/26/2016 I saw the first SW and was not impressed at all...never saw anymore...why such a rage over the series?
Jann Nikka asked 12/22/2016 Do you like Public Service TV? Shows like, Nova, Antique Roadshow, The Doo Wop, The Daytipper, Charlie Rose, Tavis Smiley, Shakespeare Live, EastEnders, etc. I do.
Jann Nikka asked 12/18/2016 Zsa Zsa Gabor, has died, she was 99. Your favorite movies? Quotes? Marriages?
Cucc Kombination asked 12/18/2016 I can't find a song, can you help me? (more info in the answer section)
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 12/16/2016 Starwars Rogue One begins showing in theaters across the United States today. Will you go see it? Are you as excited as I am?
Ray Dart asked 12/5/2016 What is the best "popular" song never to make the charts? Why do you remember it?