Anonymous asked 1/9/2015 I'm auditioning for an a capella group next Wednesday. For our audition, we have to sing about a minute of a song without music, any suggestions? I was thinking of doing Ashes and Wine by A Fine Frenzy, but I wasn't sure.
Annelise Sherman asked 1/6/2015 Will Family Matters season 5-9 be released on DVD? It is driving me crazy!
Ethan Baker asked 1/4/2015 I have a serious addiction to electronic music/dubstep. I am mostly impressed by Psycho Soup, a YouTube video, even though this is not an official song. Please explain why I am impressed by this?
Megan goodgirl asked 1/3/2015 There's this movie on Amazon but I know my mother won't let me order it and I really want it! I never had it before. But I'll be very very impatient waiting for it to arrive. Do you think my mother will change her mind and let me order it?