Kasey Armstrong asked 12/28/2015 I was side swiped by a semis yesterday & as I was giving 1 of the responding officers my info a female cop started going through my car & even popped the trunk & started pulling out my belongings. Was she aloud to do that? And why?
SuperFly Original asked 10/14/2015 If a cop is stopped in a parking lot, is it wrong to ask for directions? How do you approach them to ask
Anonymous asked 10/1/2015 In assessing readiness after an incident is over and deciding what you want to do differently?
Chuck Jordan asked 12/23/2013 Where Do I Find Police Scanner Codes For My Area? Bullhead City, Az & Laughlin, Nv
Anonymous asked 10/16/2010 Regardless of the size and nature of the event, the emergency operations center should always be activated. True or False?
Pamela Ruth asked 9/22/2010 In assessing readiness after an incident is over, and deciding what you want to do differently next time, set goals regarding?
Pamela Ruth asked 9/22/2010 When planning for responding to an incident, consider facilities, equipment, and supplies necessary to meet public information needs?
Anonymous asked 8/4/2010 Once A Plan Is Developed, Its Content Should Be Shared With Only Those Who Will Be Involved In The Emergency Operations? True Or False
Anonymous asked 7/1/2010 {The Police And The Black Male By Elijah Anderson} According To The Author, How Do Police Use Racial Profiling? How Do The Experiences Described In This Article Compare With Those Currently Experienced By Young Black Men In Your Own Neighborhood Or C