Steven Li asked 1/4/2012 Appeal! Can somebody give me a hand? I don't know why I can not find my photos in the camera, what should I do? Take it to the repair shop? But I am too busy to have it repaired. Guys, just give me some ideas, thanks
Khadija Brohi asked 1/2/2012 When resistance of the source of current and external resistance (load) of certain circuit become equal, how and why is power dissipation maximum? What is supply of current in this case, is it maximum or minimum?
Khadija Brohi asked 1/2/2012 What fuse should be used for a 750w electric iron connected to 240v supply? A: 3A b: 5A c: 10A d: 1A
Khadija Brohi asked 12/27/2011 A 100 volt battery is connected in series with a 100-volt, 60cps, generator of the type used to supply power to homes.. The peak voltage reached by the combination in volts is approximately: A. 171 b. 200 c. 241 d. 260 ? Answer with method!
Min Oppa asked 10/11/2011 Why is it that the E.M.F. Of an AC circuit can be increased or decreased, but the E.M.F. Of a DC circuit can't be?
Chloe Lane asked 8/11/2011 I am trying to find a decent CSC (Compact System Camera). I have not had one before and my price range is around £200-£350. Any advice or recommendations on what to get?
abigail prosser asked 6/9/2011 When I sign in on my Facetime on iPod 4G, it says an error occured during activation, try again. But my ID and password are correct. What shall I do?
Rene Daigle asked 6/9/2011 I'm having problems with my Coby MP-610 mp3 player. It keeps saying 'file sys err'. What's wrong?
John Marsh asked 3/23/2011 (a) What is the current in a 5.60-ohm resistor connected to a battery that has a 0.200-internal resistance if the terminal voltage of the battery is 10.0V? (b) What is the emf of the battery?