Darik Majoren asked 3/1/2016 I usually use my Smart phone, but can anyone make a recommendation on a Good MP3 player that has at least 32GB of storage?
Anonymous asked 1/28/2016 The energy difference between Fermi level and vacuum level, in a solid, is called _____________?
Anonymous asked 1/28/2016 When two hydrogen atoms come together to form a H2 molecule, both electrons occupy the __________ orbital?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/22/2016 Is it safe to screw in a Philips Agro-lite 75 watt bulb/120 v into a table lamp? Lamp is rated for 100 watt normal everyday light bulb .
Rich Marzetti asked 1/15/2016 are the old reel-to-reel recording and playback tape things still used somewhere?
Rich Marzetti asked 1/12/2016 Ii need a splitter cord thats a usb 2.0 on the single end. then the other end is split to 2 holes for 2 usb 2.0 cords to connect to. I'm not sure what usb female and male looks like, so I'm asking here.
Arun Mishra asked 12/31/2015 A charger is left on with respect to switch (normal home switch) without any Phone connected to that charger. will that charger consume electricity?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 12/29/2015 It has a light & camera on the end of a cable which plugs into a cell phone allowing you to see into tight spaces. What's this called ? (I'd like to order one )
Thrice Gotcha asked 11/28/2015 My computer is possessed after downloading windows 10 every-time i turn off the PC or put it too sleep it turns on again within 10-15 minutes any solutions?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 10/26/2015 When purchasing electronics, is a factory refurbished device a good buy or something to avoid?
Four Palmz asked 10/3/2015 Is it more energy efficient to run a clothes dryer on low heat for a longer time, or high heat for a shorter time?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 9/30/2015 I have a plug- in ultrasonic cleaner. It has a well and a suspended basket. Problem is It didn't come with a manual. How long do I leave my jewelry in it ? And, what kind of liquid do I put in it ??
Chocolatey Goodness asked 6/16/2015 I just bought a used VHS player! It came with one cord, but I don't think that's enough... What cords to I need to make it work and where can I find them? Can I find generic input/output cords online that will work with just about any player?
Drop Dead asked 4/17/2015 How would you sneak a phone onto a school bus and then into a movie theater?