Charles Rider asked 2/17/2011 If i quit doing drugs then shaved my hair 15 days from being clean will drugs still show up with new growth?
Anonymous asked 11/21/2010 Can i shoot up percocet, xanax...what kind of pills can i shoot up and please give me exact detail how to do it! I shoot meth but never did pills and wana try and i got percocet right now and really wana try it so please help out dont wana hurt myself?
doctor C asked 10/6/2010 How many people are 'straight edge',which means you do not smoke,drink or do drugs,that's straight edge?
Maurice Adkison asked 9/29/2010 I take lexapro 10mg and i heard you are not supposed to have grapefruit juice with it and i had subway food today now im scared?