hunter johnson asked 3/12/2012 If I inhaled 3 hits of weed,and I way 205 pounds,how long will it stay in my system?
Addilynn All Star asked 9/25/2011 The girl tht i told you about tht was drunk-she aint gotten up since last night..the doctors dont know what's wrong now..they've tried everything-im starting to think she took something-like drugs? She wont tell me
jake cameruci asked 9/6/2011 I got a use of marijuana ticket in allegan county mi, i am moving out of state the 23rd of this month...i am wondering if i will have a option of just paying a fine? With out having to take probation/classes
emily bongiorno asked 7/29/2011 One of my friends says he is snorting oxycodon... Can you snort this? Or like is it mixed with something that will really hurt him? I know pills are no good to begin with but he just started with theses and he said he took 15mg in about 30 min
rebecca blumel asked 7/12/2011 A 2 striker gets charged with sales and transportation of 9 grams of meth. What type of time is he looking at?
Daisy Diaz asked 4/1/2011 I smoked meth today and I have to go to my PO tomorrow @ 6:30 in the morning for a pee test what can I drink to pass the pee test?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2010 How much gabapentin will it take a first time user to get high (Recreational use)?