Raghupatruni Divya asked 11/9/2010 My 40 days old labrador puppy had vomiting and now its not eating anything. Please suggest sumthing?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2010 My dog has started vomiting, she wont eat, and has a little bit of blood in her diarhrea?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2010 My dog got kicked by a horse, and was knocked out for a minute.When she came to she seemed fine.She is alert and eating and drinking.There was no broken bones or bleeding. Any ideas of what else could be wrong with her? Could she have a concussion?
Anonymous asked 11/4/2010 I am having to hand feed my 4 week old staffy x Rottweiler puppy have done since he was born. At the moment from a bottle he is having 60 to 90 ml of lactol milk every 3 to 4 hrs is this ok ? When will he b able to start eating softened puppy food?
Anonymous asked 11/1/2010 Why does my chihuahua scoot around on her butt sometimes? She holds ger back legs up and pulls herself forward with her front legs for a foot or so.
Anonymous asked 10/30/2010 My dog gets stiff, starts to drool, later vomits what could be causing this? She does not lose consciousness.
Anonymous asked 10/30/2010 My dog was born with only one kidney how does this happen? The vet says when she hits 9 months we will switch her to a kidney sensitive diet but will she be ok?
Anonymous asked 10/30/2010 My dog has blood coming out around in his genital area. What is the cause of this and what should i do?
Rose Takatch asked 10/29/2010 My pregnant dog's stomach has turned very hard and she has had some discharge, how long before she goes into labor?
Anonymous asked 10/26/2010 My yorkie is shaking like having chills i already took to vet and they gave antibiotic but still not eating? They took blood and said he was a bit anemic. I am feeding him with a syringe. He wont eat anything on his own
'Silvia Rivero' asked 10/26/2010 My dog has a grape size lump on top of head and now his eye is red and swollen. No injury. What should I look for?