Anonymous asked 8/29/2010 Why does my Doberman have big red blood spots or bruising on his belly and sides?
Anonymous asked 8/23/2010 My dog has little bumps in his ears and on his head and body. Some of them look like scabs, so they may itch. What are they? Should I be concerned?
Anonymous asked 8/22/2010 My puppy cant hold his head up. He hasn't been eating much and he can barely keep his head up. I've checked his spine and all's well but he doesn't make a sound. He looks drunk sometimes. Any suggestions?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2010 My dog threw up a worm that was about 6 inches long that looked like pasta. What can i do for him w/o going to the vet?
Anonymous asked 8/15/2010 My Dog Is Walking With His Back Arched And His Head Down. He Doesn't Want To Eat Or Drink. Any Idea What's Wrong?
Anonymous asked 8/15/2010 Can u cut a boxer's tail or tie it off with a rubber band when the puppy is 5 months or is it to old?