zack leon asked 5/31/2017 Is there any over-the-counter pills to make me focus but single use not like vitamins to focus extremely,extremely,extremely strong just for a temporarily moment?
Khauri Stewart asked 5/18/2017 If i have a seizure in my sleep do i have epilepsy because i feel it only happens when i stress myself out?
zack leon asked 5/16/2017 i used to like a song but i went to the hospital in mental health unit and a nice staff let me listen to it on his phone and i took a couple of meds , the when i got out and went home i didnt like the song: Hall of fame as much as before?
Donald Trump's Hair Is Lovely asked 5/9/2017 The random chat that's on the right-hand side of the page.................where does that come from, please? Just curious. Also, would someone please tell me the trick to emotions on here? Thank you. Bed time. I will respond in the morning.
Anonymous asked 5/4/2017 a while ago i did a bunch of mental health tests and apparently i have schizophrenia, ADHD, depression and social anxiety. is it normal to have that many all at once or do these things usually come in groups?
Anonymous asked 4/30/2017 Have you ever been through depression because of one sided love and ended up bieng in a friendzone ? how did you get over it?
Anonymous asked 4/28/2017 I'm very selfish, everything I think I do for others I really know I'm doing it for myself, I don't feel sympathy towards other people, I can hurt other people and feel no remorse, am I mentally unstable?
Anonymous asked 4/22/2017 one month ago, my friend told me she had depression because she felt left out. I made an extra effort to include her, but she recently sent me a letter saying that she wanted to kill herself because of me. What can I do?
Anonymous asked 4/17/2017 Why is it so hard for me to sit still during meditation? I can only meditate up to 10-20 minutes until I start feeling like I need to stand up again.
Donald Trump's Hair Is Lovely asked 4/16/2017 Somebody please tell me to go to bed, so that I will? I need incentive.............please?
zack leon asked 3/28/2017 Why does my teeth feel sensitive and painful,fragile when eating ice cream i eat alot of gum usually spearmint or watermelon a pack a day. what's causing the teeth to hurt that way?
Anonymous asked 3/23/2017 i hate my weight, but my friends think im thin. I've never actually gone a day without eating but i hate being made to eat and get nothing out of eating. I also suck in to hide my tumy and ppl don't know this. advice???