Anonymous asked 9/23/2010 My child left a rubber band on her hand and now its red and swollen what do i do?
Anonymous asked 9/20/2010 What is the Icd-9 Code for Status post cerebrovascular accident with residual hemiplegia?
Anonymous asked 9/17/2010 A 63 year old international telecommunications executive\ complaints of a high fever. Fever is intermittent. He h usually has sweats, headaches and muscle aches during the episodes. After a half a day he feels better. Experienced this for 2 months?
Jim Bourbon asked 9/9/2010 When your under physical strain and see dots of light (stars) shooting across your vision in all directions, what are those and why do you see them?
Anonymous asked 9/5/2010 When a gland is stimulated to increase its secretion by the substance it produces, a(an) __________ system is operating?